%0 Journal Article %T Valoración probabilística versus borrosa, opciones reales y el modelo binomial. Aplicación para proyectos de inversión en condiciones de ambigüedad %J ESTUDIOS GERENCIALES;Vol. 30 No. 132 %D 2014 %@ 01235923 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/view/1808 %X The aim of this paper is to present the methodology, advantages and weakness of the fuzzy binomial real option model as a complement to the probabilistic binomial model. The structure is as follow: first, it shows the real option models classified into probabilistic and fuzzy. Second, it develops the binomial fuzzy model, incorporating: the MAD method (Marketed Asset Disclaimer); fuzzy binomial lattice, and the pessimistic-optimistic index for estimates of the real option expected value of the project (ROEV). It illustrates, using a case comparing, the results obtained with the fuzzy and probabilistic model. It concludes that in lack of information situations (ambiguity), the fuzzy logic is a complement of the probabilistic model for estimates of the strategic flexibility value. %K Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Estudios Gerenciales %K Proyectos de inversión %K Modelo binomial %K Valoración %K Real %K options %K Binomial %K Ambiguity %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN