%0 Journal Article %T Análisis del programa de ampliación de cobertura en Cali con respecto a la calidad de la educación, medido a través de las pruebas de Estado %D 2013 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/82360 %X Using Hierarchical Linear Models, this study analyzes the effect on academic achievement of coverage expansion schools compared to the performance of students in public and private schools, using the test scores of ICFES Saber 11, years from 2005 to 2011. The results suggest that there is no robust eviden ce of a significant difference in the academic achievement between students from coverage expansion schools and public schools; the average test scores mean of Saber 11 in privat e schools is between 3 and 7 points above the public schools in mathematics, and between 1 an d 5 points in reading; and the average test scores mean of Saber 11 in private schools is between 2 and 4 points above coverage expansion schools in mathematics, and between 1 and 3 points in reading. The variance analysis suggests that for coverage expansion schools and public schools, about 10% of the variation in performance in the reading test sc ores is due to differences between schools, and 90% to differences among students. The same goes for mathematics. %K Educación %K Cobertura educativa %K Economía %K Economics %K Educación - Enseñanza %K Calidad de la educación %K Pruebas Saber 11 %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN