%0 Journal Article %T Let’s read about our own coffee land %D 2022 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/95219 %X This project shows the incidence of the use of Coffee Culture readings in the vocabulary level of students. This leads students to learn more about their own culture. It also lets students to be aware of their natural wealth and the biodiversity that surrounds them. The research question that guided this project was what the incidence of vocabulary acquisition from foreign language readings related to the students’ own context is? The research project used classroom observations and individual students’ work, together with a conscientious analysis of relevant research about reading as a tool for improving vocabulary. I could conclude that readings about students’ real context enhance their interest in the class and make them feel self-confident, motivated and proud of their culture, leading us to results that demonstrate that it is possible to improve students' English lexicon through these kinds of readings. %K Enseñanza bilingüe %K Enseñanza del inglés %K Desarrollo de competencias %K Idiomas extranjeros %K Competencia lingüística %K Aprendizaje del inglés %K Cultura cafetera %K Lecturas %K Motivación para el aprendizaje %K Tésis %K Departamento de Idiomas %K Educación %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN