%0 Journal Article %T Estrategia de negociaciones de ventas centralizadas en un conglomerado de empresas %D 2011 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/67001 %X ABSTRACT: Negotiations play an important role in any type of commercial activities. Out of good negotiation, you can obtain great strategic and economic benefits for an organization. In a conglomerate, negotiations acquire a major importance because the sum of transactions and volumes of purchases and sales of goods and services that each enterprise of the conglomerate realizes individually, affords the conglomerate a power of negotiation when they meet in a single bargaining department. The models of centralized purchases are well developed; their benefits have been proved and as a result, they have been used in many conglomerates with success; nonetheless, we do not find in Colombia, with the same easiness, studies on the negotiations of centralized sales and neither have we found it applied in practice. In this thesis, we have studied the benefits and risks that can be generate at the moment of implementing a strategy of this type, finding important benefits as: sales increase, optimization of human and physical resources, brand increase, acknowledgment, aggregate value as much for the conglomerate as for institutional and managerial clients that are common to several enterprises of the group. In addition, those types of clients have declared the importance of being attended by a single contact to negotiate with them the needs that the enterprises of the group can afford. It is important to emphasize that this thesis is based on different theories of negotiations, strategies of conglomerates and in the realization of a series of interviews to people in strategic charges of a real conglomerate with a mature model of centralized purchases. By the substantiation of incomes coming from common clients of the enterprises of the conglomerate we have come up with a matrix of sales that allows us to identify the inner and external criteria to classify clients. Out of theoretical basis and deep interviews we came to the SWOT analysis which shows the boundaries (Opportunities and Strengths) and risks (Weaknesses and Threats) of this strategy. Finally, we present conclusions and recommendations to be considered by the interested in implementing a centralized strategy of sales. %K FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ADMINISTRATIVAS Y ECONÓMICAS %K PRODUCCIÓN INTELECTUAL REGISTRADA - UNIVERSIDAD ICESI %K MAESTRÍA EN ADMINISTRACIÓN CONCENTRACION EN FINANZAS COORPORATIVAS-TESIS %K VENTAS %K CONGLOMERADOS EMPRESARIALES %K INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE EMPRESAS %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN