%0 Journal Article %T MoAv %D 2013 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/76632 %X This graduation project 's main objective is the analysis, design and development of a system that allows controlled production Wasp Tamarixia Radiata , in good condition , small and medium enterprises in production of biological inputs. This system was designed to provide these companies an efficient and economical method that mitigates the need for standardized production and sale of the wasp and thus meet the needs of the grower market. Biological processes in insects, playing times , space distribution for a continuous process and the materials and methods required for its operation : analysis and development for the following aspects were taken into account. This project stems from research that advances CORPOICA ( Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research) for biological control of the pest in Colombia Diaphorina Citri through Wasp Tamarixia Radiata . The development of this project was developed in conjunction with the Research Group on Biological Diversity UNAL Palmira ( National University ) , which had three stages. It started with the approach to insect behavior and it relates to this , followed it was based the operation of existing systems and processes such as the SENASICA in Mexico and finally the data collected was analyzed , significant features resulting in MoAv system that integrates all the data, analyzes, and integrates a proposal . %K Facultad de Ingeniería %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Diseño industrial %K Diseño industrial %K Avispas %K Sistemas biológicos %K Productos biológicos %K Biological Production %K System life cycle %K Insects sale %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN