%0 Journal Article %T The L1 use in the FL classroom: a small-scale spanish/english study in the students’ english grammar development in a basic level course at Sena %D 2016 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/82145 %X In the following research paper, the study of a series of classes in two groups with and without using the mother tongue of the research participants, was evaluated in order to understand its effects on their English grammar development. The analysis was carried out through the comparison of the data obtained from an English proficiency test applied before and after the classes already mentioned and through the analysis of the answers given by participants from both groups to a written interview. All evidence collected and studied allows saying that the mother tongue use might be positive for those novice students of a foreign language. This statement is based on findings regarding the kind of methodology used during the classes with both groups and the study of how the research participants conceive the relation of the L1 and the L2 to create a linguistic repertoire needed to communicate in different contexts. %K Lengua materna %K Lengua extranjera %K Lenguaje - Enseñanza %K Lenguaje y educación %K Lenguaje y lingüística %K Inglés - Gramática %K SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje) %K Tésis %K Educación %K Departamento de Pedagogía %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN