%0 Journal Article %T Message from the PWT 2013 Organizers %D 2013 %@ 2378-3818 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/82854 %X In the continuous quest of enhancing the experience of users interacting with web systems, researchers and practitioners are investigating ways to automate repetitive and mundane tasks transparently; customize the users' experience to their specific computing devices; and to personalize the interactions based on the users' spatiotemporal and social context. The topic of personal web tasking draws inspiring ideas from web services, RESTful system design, context-aware computing, sematic web, linked data, HCI, ubiquitous computing, workflow management, and W3C standards. %K Sistema inteligente %K Web semántica %K Computación ubicua %K Ingeniería de sistemas y comunicaciones %K Systems engineering %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN