%0 Journal Article %T Teoría de Sistemas: Visión trascendental de Sistemas y Espiritualidad %J Sistemas y Telemática;No.9 %D 2007 %@ 16925238 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/sistemas_telematica/article/view/978 %X An essay in order to perceive the hidden aspects of systems reality, in its visible knowledge (science) and on perceptible (spirituality), whose dialogue constitutes a non linear systems thinking over human interactions complex society web). This conceptual framework (culture myth) shows up a trascendental vision, beeing the systewms an emergent way or the totality tremor. As a proximity to the General Systems as a production of Systems Theory, as a Systems Science at humanity service, and as a Systems Design with a sustainable future; trough a uniÞ ed transdisciplinary theory (formal aspect) with two transdisciplinary cultural Þ elds: a) Wholeness interconection science, and b) Ecology and the environment. %K Sistemas %K Espiritualidad %K Pensamiento sistémico %K Transdisciplinariedad %K Medio ambiente %K Visión; %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Transdisciplinarity %K Ecology and environment %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN