%0 Journal Article %T Caso de estudio. Llegó la escasez y mandó a parar: Estudio de Caso %D 2011 %@ 0123-5923 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/view/1066 %X The primary objective of this case study is to discuss how a company can address environmental concerns raised by regional environmental regulatory authorities using a strategic industrial ecology for the purpose of ensuring the future sustainable development of the company. It places emphasis on the fact that, despite being the most important tactical asset in the operations of most companies, water resources are ignored and seen ad inexhaustible. It is intended as a wake-up call for top management officials to realize that there is a need for a conceptual change because environmental department managers in many companies do not receive the necessary support for implementing new environmentally friendly technologies. %K Sistemas de gestión ambiental %K Estrategia ambiental %K Recursos hídricos %K Tratamiento de aguas residuales %K Environmental management system %K Environmental strategy %K Water resource %K Wastewater treatment %K Ingeniería de producción %K Production engineering %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN