%0 Journal Article %T Anarquismo y movimiento universitario en Argentina, 1935-1950 %J CS;No. 9 - Enero/Junio 2012 %D 2012 %@ 20110324 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/revista_cs/article/view/1224 %X This article attempts to situate the development of the anarchist movement in Argentina after 1930 and posit the founding of the Argentine Anarchist Communist Federation (FACA) in 1935 as the baseline for understanding the actions and the performance of some of its supporters at the National University of La Plata between 1944 and 1946. Furthermore, the article analyses the dual affiliation or identity of these supporters, first as university students and intellectuals who defended the 1918 Reform at the university during the 1940s and 1950s and later as political opponents of the first years of the Perón government. %K FACULTAD DE DERECHO Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES %K PRODUCCIÓN INTELECTUAL REGISTRADA - UNIVERSIDAD ICESI %K HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES %K ANARQUISMO %K PERONISMO %K ARGENTINA %K REFORMA DE LA EDUCACIÓN %K FACULTAD DE DERECHO Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES %K REVISTA EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES – CS %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN