%0 Journal Article %T Planteamiento de un plan de desarrollo como herramienta de administración estratégica en entidades del sector solidario %D 2011 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/67324 %X In a highly competitive market like the financial sector becomes indispensable the need to develop strategic tools to guide the cooperative sector towards greater openness and integration services to interest groups, is why it is necessary to construct a Plan Development in order to collect in one document, the compass that guides the cooperative efforts in the coming years. These strategic efforts are made by building partners to characterize, develop socio-economic diagnosis, design business education project, guide strategic planning, establishing the business model, develop a social balance, raising the documentation and strategic culture, these elements must be articulated in a synchronized way around a Plan of Development, which helps channel resources and efforts to achieve both quantitative and qualitative goals of the Cooperative Solidarios. %K FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ADMINISTRATIVAS Y ECONÓMICAS %K PRODUCCIÓN INTELECTUAL REGISTRADA - UNIVERSIDAD ICESI %K MAESTRÍA EN ADMINISTRACIÓN-TESIS %K ECONOMÍA SOLIDARIA %K PLAN DE DESAROLLO %K SECTOR SOLIDARIO %K ADMINISTRACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA; COOPERATIVISMO %K BUSINESS MODEL %K HUMAN DEVELOPMENT %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN