%0 Journal Article %T Resitings: una alternativa de optimización efectiva en el mejoramiento de la competividad global en organizaciones de productos de consumo %D 2011 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/67386 %X “resiting” is a term used by the company from who this work is leveraged which provides the development of the whole process to be done in order to manufacture a product in another manufacturing plant (site) own or belonging to a third party manufacturer in the same country or another. This work relates the academic foundations and current business activity information to support the “resiting” processes and its benefits to any manufacturing industry. Based on literature review and experts interviews the establishment of basis to improve the model currently used by the company in terms of time, process and knowledge management is carried out. A specific proposal is placed in order to improve mainly two stages of the current model (Development-Commercialization) which could represent a major impact and complexity, achieving greater efficiency throughout the proposed process. The results of the changes proposed in this project are supported by positive responses and opinions of experts interviewed that demonstrate the importance of them, so they initiate new projects will be developed with the proposed changes and quantitative results can be evaluated in further papers. %K FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ADMINISTRATIVAS Y ECONÓMICAS %K PRODUCCIÓN INTELECTUAL REGISTRADA - UNIVERSIDAD ICESI %K MAESTRÍA EN ADMINISTRACIÓN-TESIS %K MEJORAMIENTO DE LA PRODUCTIVIDAD %K PROCESOS PRODUCTIVOS %K CREATIVIDAD %K TALENTO HUMANO; PRODUCTOS DE CONSUMO %K RELOCATION OF PRODUCTION %K KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN