%0 Journal Article %T Explorando la forma: procesos de búsqueda formal para objetos industriales %J Sistemas y Telemática;Vol. 10 No. 22 %D 2012 %@ 16925238 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/sistemas_telematica/article/view/1265 %X The digital fabrication –FAB-DIG– has become one of the industrial processes that have had the most growth in Colombia not just in the business field but in the academy. The objective physic form finding –BOFF– is a morphology path generation methodology based on experimental processes of material generation, transformation and optimization. The nexus between FAB-DIG techniques and the BOFF processes might generate that the experimental forms must been taken directly to production, that is, that in the object design process the form path generated by the BOFF would be used as it is, and not only as a formal referent. The nexus development and methodology above, as realized in an investigation seedbed that involves the participation of UPB’s Industrial Design students, allows them to not only generate knowledge in the field, but, to implement the use of the new productive technologies, to define at the end the materialization impact of geometry obtained by BOFF processes using FAB-DIG. %K FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA %K PRODUCCIÓN INTELECTUAL REGISTRADA - UNIVERSIDAD ICESI %K SISTEMAS & TELEMATICA %K ESTRATEGIAS DE BÚSQUEDA %K MORFOLOGÍA %K NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS %K EXPERIMENTAL MORPHOLOGY %K FORM FINDING METHODS %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN