%0 Journal Article %T Propuesta para el mejoramiento de la gestión administrativa de la Empresa Maya M & Cia. Ltda %D 2012 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/76260 %X The purpose of this project is to develop an organizational diagnostic in order to define strategic and administrative proposals that allows Maya M & Cia. Ltda. (Leather Company Commercialization) acquires business tools to obtain a stronger organizational structure with clearer strategically focus that addresses the company to sustainable growth. Through tools such as SWOT analysis, Porter five strengths analysis, strategic map, positions & competences profiles and financial analysis, the different proposals can be implemented focusing on improving 3 aspects: finance, internal processes and strategy. The proposed methodology allows the development of the project overpassing the actual limitations such as, sources of technical information in a consolidated database for the leather business sector and also the absence of historic information of the company. %K Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K DOFA %K Diagnóstico organizacional %K Indicadores de gestión %K Planificación estratégica %K Desarrollo organizacional %K Organizational diagnosis %K Strategy %K Strategic map %K Financial analysis %K Key performance indicators %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN