%0 Journal Article %T Prácticas y evolución de los recursos humanos en las organizaciones colombianas %D 2013 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/76388 %X This paper presents a state of art of human resources historical overview in Colombia, the studies that have been done, the concept evolution in the course of the time and how at present time, the human talent management approaches to the corporate strategy as a competitive advantage. The goal of this paper is to show in the real field how successful companies works and how much the human factor influence in such status, whereby presents the results from Great Place to Work®, that is the institute in charge of generate the list of the worldwide best companies to work in the year 2011. In addition analyzes the list of top prestigious companies in the year 2011 by Revista Dinero one of the most business magazing in Colombia. From this results two companies distinguish that exemplify how to achieve the financial successful and reputation from a human resources approach. Companies are ALMACENES EXITO (Third company in sales growth, place No 14 in Great Place To Work and is one of the most recognized company) and BELCORP ( Place No. 21 in Great Place To Work, place No. 65 in ranking of Colombia´s biggest companies and place No. 12 ranking of recognized companies by Revista Semana. %K Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Administración %K Talento humano %K Gestión humana %K Recursos humanos %K Administración de recursos humanos %K Human talent %K Financial success %K Reputation %K Comprehensive strategy %K Colombia %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN