%0 Journal Article %T Simulación con dinámica molecular de polímeros anfifílicos: dependencia del pH, longitud de la cadena polimérica y cadena alquílica. %D 2013 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/76492 %X Microencapsulation of bioactive substances has a high priority for further development in pharmaceutical chemistry, medicine, biochemistry and materials science. Targeted delivery and controlled release of drugs are some of the main interests of this research area. The objectives include protection of drugs from degradation, decrement of their toxicity, enhancement of their biological effectiveness among others. The vast majority of new chemicals entities released for different treatments show poor solubility in water and exhibit low oral bioavailability, as a consequence high doses of these drugs must be supplied. It is necessary to find alternative delivery technologies. Polymer and polyelectrolyte devices, fluoroalcane microemulsions, micelles, and hydrogels are some of the systems that have been developed to encapsulate and transfer various materials disperse on the micro and nano level. %K Métodos de investigación en bioquímica %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Polielectrolitos %K Dinámica molecular %K Simulación %K Amphiphatic polyelectrolytes %K Biochemistry research %K Degree of protonation %K Hydrophobic chains length %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN