%0 Journal Article %T Valoración de la primera fase del diseño e implementación del programa de gestión documental en la Universidad Icesi %D 2013 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/77033 %X Valuation of the costs, as well as the benefits that a project can produce, is an essential stage for a suitable administration due to it allows the organization an accurate decision making when assigning its resources and justifying its investments. In this specific case, the first phase of the design and implementation of the document management program at a university entity will be valued. The aim is to look for a better control, management and organization of the received and produced documentation during the administrative activities, planning its access and conservation, bearing in mind the great value that documents in the operation of the institution have. %K Tésis %K Plan de empresa %K Gestión documental %K Administración de documentos %K Archivos %K Universidad %K Valoración documental %K Administración %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Valuation %K Cash flow %K Net present value %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN