%0 Journal Article %T Attributions for success and failure to complete the english as a foreign language program at icesi university %D 2015 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/78765 %X This study aims to provide an analysis of the casual attributions for success or failure in learning English as a foreign language, of a group of students who were in different courses of the language at Icesi University. This study carried out a statistical analysis of the number of levels of English subjects had passed based on their attributions for their success and failure. The purpose of the researcher was to determine those specific attributions and their influence in the fact of passing or failing the eight levels of English. Results revealed some significant differences between the two groups regarding their attributions to success or failure. Learners, who were more successful in passing the different English levels, used learning strategies which were goal-oriented and they believed they had the ability to learn the language. On the other hand, the group that was less successful attributed it to external factors, the teacher, the methodology, the class environment and finally luck. %K Enseñanza del inglés %K Idiomas extranjeros %K Inglés - Enseñanza %K Universidad Icesi %K Enseñanza bilingüe %K Tésis %K Maestría en la Enseñanza del Inglés %K Departamento de Idiomas %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN