%0 Journal Article %T Diseño de un sistema de contención biodegradable para reemplazar el uso de plástico en el proceso de siembra. %D 2019 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/87345 %X The focus of the present investigation is to help erradicate the use of plastic elements of some of the human activity. In this case is the sowing process, the sow is found since small and ancient practices as growing our own food to nowadays agroindustrial processes. For achieve this was perentory the search of information in the field, where it was found that the vast mayority of professionals and workers and accustomed to the use of the plastic bag to contained the plants. This investigation gives the opportunity to experiment with organic materials as the pineapple leaf, where it was made a paper of it, proving it resistance to water and mechanical tension. Lately it was discovered a local company who already was making paper from sugar cane, %K Contenedores %K Descomposición %K Siembra %K Biomasa %K Fibras vegetales %K Polímeros %K Caña de azúcar %K Papel %K Vegetales %K Fibra %K Trabajos de grado %K Diseño Industrial %K Departamento de Diseño %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN