%0 Journal Article %T Plan de mercadeo para la empresa servicio electroneumático. %D 2020 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/87729 %X This paper presents the development of a marketing plan for the company Servicio Electroneumatico. Based on the concepts of authors such as Porter, Dolan, among others, develops a methodology that begins with a situational analysis of the organization, the market around the company and the competitors. followed by the application of a SWOT matrix that shows what the company needs to do to increase sales and visibility, With these inputs determining its relevant market, the elaboration of the business model and marketing mix to reach their corporate objective, in other hand digital marketing it's one of the steps that the company needs to do to increase visibility and start one kind of relationships with clients. Finally, it's exposes a projection of sales that will allow to evaluate the result of its decision. %K Plan de mercadeo %K Empresas de servicios %K Análisis estratégico %K Estrategias de mercadeo %K Mercados industriales %K Maquinaria industrial %K Industria de maquinaria %K Herramientas digitales %K Herramienta tecnológica %K Competencia industrial %K Mantenimiento preventivo %K Marcas %K Mantenimiento industrial %K Mantenimiento y reparación %K Reparación %K Servicio al cliente %K Maquinaria %K Tésis %K Insumos %K Modelos de negocio %K Mercadeo %K Departamento de Mercadeo y Negocios Internacionales %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN