%0 Journal Article %T El lenguaje técnico en Diseño para mejorar competencias profesionales. %D 2022 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/99112 %X The purpose of this investigation is to assess the need for more competent designers in the global market, specifically in the technological sector, where multinationals and international companies require their employees to communicate efficiently with technical and professional discourse in the English language. This is a challenge in Latin America due to the fact that there is not enough emphasis in learning English as a second language in the educational system, even though it is a necessity to understand and speak fluently. The end goal is to create a prototype of a digital solution for students that will help solve the issue so that they can access better job positions. %K CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). %K Vocabulario en inglés %K Inglés técnico %K Lengua inglesa %K Aprendizaje del inglés %K Motivación %K Competencia profesional %K Gamificación %K Diseño %K Trabajos de grado %K Diseño de Medios Interactivos %K Departamento de Diseño %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN