TY - THES TI - Aplicación de las características fisicoquímicas del suelo como indicadoras de la efectividad de las estrategias de restauración implementadas en el Corredor Barbas – Bremen (Quindío – Colombia) PB - Universidad Icesi PY - 2012 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/10906/68754 AB - The restoration of ecosystems that have been degraded, damaged or transformed seeks to return the ecosystem to its historic trajectory, so it can recover its composition, structure and dynamics. In 2001, a restoration project based on the acceleration of succession was initiated in Filandia (Quindío), which sought to restore the functional connectivity between Bremen forest reserve and Barbas river canyon that had been isolated due to the fragmentation of anthropogenic actions. Initially, landscape characterization was performed by biological groups of plants, birds and ants, threatened and endemic species were determined, later four corridors that connected the two areas were established using different restoration strategies as the rescue of seedlings, saplings and rescue use of species with high regrowth capacity, supported by a vivarium, which was a key element in achieving accelerated successional processes. Since its establishment, the corridors have been evaluated considering biological indicators such as mammals, birds and plants, but no studies have been conducted using abiotic indicators. This study aims to estimate the effectiveness of ecological restoration strategies, using the physicochemical characteristics of the soil as an indicator. To achieve this goal the physicochemical characteristics of three landscape elements were analyzed, the comparison was made between them and also were compared the results obtained with a soil test conducted in 2005. KW - FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS NATURALES KW - Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi KW - RESTAURACIÓN ECOLÓGICA KW - RESTAURACIÓN DE TIERRAS KW - FISICOQUÍMICA DE SUELOS KW - ANÁLISIS DE SUELOS ER -