Psicología de la justicia distributiva: Antecedentes y tipos de estudios para su comprensión

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Universidad Católica de Colombia


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Debido al incremento del estudio de la justicia como un fenómeno social de interés para la psicología,se hace una revisión que precisa los antecedentes de la psicología social en el estudio de las distribuciones materiales individuales en diversas situaciones, y las limitaciones de los análisis derivados de dichos estudios. Además, se presentan las posibilidades de indagación de las decisiones distributivas en al menos tres tipos de estudios que se reseñan en amplias revisiones y finaliza con la presentación de una reflexión sobre un "contexto" experimental como nueva perspectiva para el estudio de la justicia distributiva. Desde ese contexto, se describe el término "decisiones distributivas", y se propone como alternativa metodológica la consideración de variables habitualmente utilizadas en el análisis de algunos procesos cognitivos de interés para la economía experimental y comportamental. Due to the increased study of justice as a social phenomenon of interest to psychology, a revision is carried out to specify the social psychology background in the study of individual material distributions in various situations and the constraints derived from such studies. In addition, the possibilities of inquiry into allocation decisions in at least three types of studies summarized in extensive reviews are presented, and finally, there is a reflection about an experimental "context" as a new perspective for the study of distributive justice. From this context, the term "distributive decisions" is described and, as a methodological alternative, the consideration of variables commonly used for the analysis of cognitive processes of interest for experimental and behavioral economics is proposed.

Due to the increased study of justice as a social phenomenon of interest to psychology, a revision is carried out to specify the social psychology background in the study of individual material distributions in various situations and the constraints derived from such studies. In addition, the possibilities of inquiry into allocation decisions in at least three types of studies summarized in extensive reviews are presented, and finally, there is a reflection about an experimental "context" as a new perspective for the study of distributive justice. From this context, the term "distributive decisions" is described and, as a methodological alternative, the consideration of variables commonly used for the analysis of cognitive processes of interest for experimental and behavioral economics is proposed.

