Ma report implementation and evaluation of the impact of CLIL approach in a public high school




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Universidad Icesi


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Pedro Antonio Molina is a public high school located southeast of Santiago de Cali, Colombia. It was founded in 1977 as the first public technical-industrial school in Santiago de Cali. It offers five industrial-technical fields: mechanics, systems, electricity and electronics, chemistry, and drawing. IETI PAM, as it is known by the academic community, has eight branches located in the commune 6 of the city. This research took place in the morning session of the main branch, which is located in the San Luis neighborhood. Students live in 1 and 2 socio-economic stratum neighborhoods that are located around the school. In the main branch there were 598 students who were divided into 15 groups from 7th to 11th grade. Those students were taught by 22 teachers from academic and technical fields. In this study, two groups participated, out of three of 11th grade. The control group was composed by 19 students (10 males and 9 females) who started working with me from 10th grade; the experimental group was composed by 22 students (8 males and 14 females) who worked with me from 9th grade and to whom I was their homeroom teacher. Both groups shared some characteristics: they were heterogeneous in their English proficiency level, most of them were in A1 and A2 level, but there were some others who were in B1; they had four hours of English instructions per week; and most of the students in both groups were really responsible with assignments proposed by the teachers.

