A proposal of a didactic sequence for english class in 9th grade in Marino Renjifo Salcedo School, in Colombia, using movie excerpts to raise the awareness of intercultural communicative competence.




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Universidad Icesi


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This research study offers a pedagogical proposal for evaluating the effectiveness of ICC in teaching and learning English by using movie excerpts in a didactic sequence. Culture, interculturality, motivation, communicative, and intercultural competencies concepts will be aboard widely in the theoretical framework. The research took place in ninth grade (9°) at Marino Renjifo Salcedo ethnic-educative institution in Candelaria, Valle. Carrying out this research we followed qualitative research and a didactic sequence follow-up. Beginning and closing surveys were applied to analyze what kind of information students knew about their perceptions of culture, and their motivation in learning English as well as a pre-test and a post test to indicate the development of ICC in the students and their improvement in the target language. The results indicated that the students’ perception about interculturality improved at the end of the intervention since they could identify their cultural aspects such as ethnic group, traditions, and beliefs, and were able to identify them with the other cultures represented in the movies. Students considered they improved in writing, speaking, and listening skills.

