Plan estratégico Business Management Solutions S.A.S

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Universidad Icesi


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Este documento tiene como objetivo definir la planeación estratégica para Business Management Solutions - BMS, MiPyme colombiana dedicada al desarrollo de software. El desarrollo del documento comienza con un análisis de diferentes variables del entorno en el que se desarrolla la empresa para poder identificar acontecimientos políticos, económicos, sociales, tecnológicos y legales que puedan impactar la estrategia de BMS. Por otra parte, se realiza un análisis de la industria de desarrollo de software en Colombia, enmarcando características de la competencia, proveedores, clientes, barreras de entrada y sustitutos y su relación con el desarrollo del negocio de la compañía. Asimismo, se analiza la cadena de valor actual de BMS comparándola con oferentes destacados del mercado, de tal manera que sea posible evidenciar debilidades y fortalezas de BMS frente a su competencia actual.

This document has the objective to define the strategic planning for Business Management Solutions –BMS, a Colombian MiPyme dedicated to software development. It begins with the analysis of variables of the environment in which BMS operates so it can be possible to identify different kinds of events in terms of political, economic, social, technological and legal aspects that can impact BMS business. Also, a Colombian software industry analysis is developed, to identify characteristics of the market, suppliers, clients, entry barriers and product substitutes and how they relate with the Company business. Moreover, BMS value chain is also reviewed and compared with some of the most important firms in the market so it can be analyzed weaknesses and opportunities for BMS in comparison with their competence. With these analyses a SWOT matrix is built which will be then used to develop the strategic directives that BMS should adopt to stand out in the Colombian market. Also, a business model is developed to support the chosen strategy; with it, there are defined market, operating and financial guidelines.


