Apropiación social del conocimiento - LEO

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/10906/78232


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    A discussion on algorithmic thinking in product design process
    (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2014-05-19) Quintero, L. M.
    Some decades have passed since the first computer aided design software (CAD) appeared and currently has been replaced by computational tools that are becoming even more precise and specialized, contributing to the presence of new geometries that can be constructed (CAM). The complex forms that we currently see, come from a new generation of architects and designers specialized in parametric design, creating forms that are not only more precise and singular, but also more efficient.
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    Affective decisions and recommender systems
    (Universidad de los Andes, 2014-10-06) Salamanca, Juan
    [Sin resumen disponible]
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    Business-design laboratory: A strategy for innovation
    (2011-09-09) Mejia Puig, Luis Alfonso
    The contribution of industrial design schools to the development of innovative products is well known around the industrialized world. In Colombia, however, industrial design is a young practice and the market is not yet aware of the importance of design as a factor for innovation. In Colombia, the work of industrial designers is almost unknown and there is also no concrete/direct link to the private sector so as to address the real problems of the industry, improving its competitiveness and recognizing the essential attributes of design in its performance. From the academia we are looking for strategies that help us spread the practice of design and encourage companies to do more research, design and product development so as to better compete in the global market. The Business-Design Laboratory is an initiative, whereby a company provides its facilities to one of our final year students for a period of two weeks.
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    Creative design teaching-learning methods: A reflection from the professors
    (Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design Education - Growing Our Future, EPDE, 2013-09-05) Betancourt Velasco, María Clara
    The main purpose of this article is to identify teaching and learning strategies that enhance creativity and decision making in Design Education. The experiences of the instructors are used as the main input to the process. Each instructor in the Department of Design was interviewed to detect his/her needs in their own teaching activities. All of the instructors who were interviewed expressed their desire to learn and apply diverse educational strategies. We then sent out a survey to each one of them and asked them to describe their best learning strategies to share them with their colleagues. We found that their preferred strategies were short duration exercises where the student makes design-related decisions through the application of the concepts he/she has learned. These exercises foster the ability of rapid decision-making and effective communication on a short time frame. The results of this process call for improvements in the strategies that were presented, to promote learning activities that contribute in the development of higher-level cognitive skills and improve the performance of designers in their work environment.
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    Design and social innovation in vulnerable communities
    (2012-01-01) Mejia, Luis
    Industrial Design's responsibility is to design friendly environments for users that minimize the impact of proposed solutions ensuring that these will be regenerative and that they will give back more resources than the ones they have taken, always keeping in mind the improvement in societies' conditions. In a country of contrasts such as Colombia, social innovation is a challenge for disciplines with high social impact. For this reason the academy has been inclined to educate future professionals with high sense of social responsibility, searching always for sustainability, being understood as a tool that helps to mitigate current economic and social imbalances. This is why the Industrial Design Academic Program is looking forward to promoting solutions that face the future with a special emphasis on social responsibility, trying to intervene directly inparticular sectors of the society, as well as specific communities with a high vulnerability level.
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    Design guidelines for residential envelope openings in the equatorial tropics : Studies in suburban housing in the cauca valley of Colombia
    (Centro de Investigacion de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad,Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP), 2012-11-07) Alvarado, Rodrigo Garcia
    The envelope openings of houses have a strong implication in the indoor environmental quality and energy consumption, however, there are no precise regulations for its design, especially in particular climate zones such as the tropics, where there are no recommendations or laws for residential architecture. This has not only deteriorated the environmental quality, but also increased energy consumption in new buildings. Therefore comprehensive reviews of some examples that may suggest general principles seem just appropriate, as well as its implementation as design guidelines. Several variables have been considered in the study of the envelope openings: natural ventilation, light and shadow management, connection to the outside and the perception of users in addition to the opening's own characteristics and their relationship with the living space.
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    Designing smart artifacts for adaptive mediation of social viscosity: Triadic actor-network enactments as a basis for interaction design
    (Illinois Institute of Technology, 2012-12-01) Salamanca, Juan
    With the advent o f ubiquitous com puting, interaction design has broadened its object o f inquiry into how smart com putational artifacts inconspicuously act in people's everyday lives. A lthough user-centered design approaches rem ain useful for exploring how people cope w ith interactive systems, they cannot explain how this new breed of artifacts participates in people's sociality. U ser-centered design approaches assum e that humans control interactive systems, disregarding the agency o f smart artifacts
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    Diseño de experiencias colectivas en el espacio público mediante el uso de dispositivo móviles
    (2008-01-01) Franco, Enrique
    El contexto colombiano en general se identifica por el fuerte abandono del espacio público, en beneficio de la construcción de espacios, privados para la interacción entre los ciudadanos paradójicamente, los avances tecnológicos permiten cada vez más el uso de medios digitales, dispositivos móviles y redes para la creación de integración ciudadana, creativa y con un sentido de respeto hacia el espacio público. La promoción de la integración creativa entre los ciudadanos ha sido ensayada en otros países como una forma efectiva de recuperar el espacio público deteriorado, y de fortalecer los lazos sociales que unen a sus ciudadanos.
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    Interfaces, Software y Herramientas para Expresión Artística con Medios Digitales y Electrónicos
    (2005-10-11) Franco Lizarazo Fernando Enrique
    Esta charla busca dar una visión general de las nuevas tecnologías de información, de sensores y electrónica, que pueden ser usadas en el diseño de interfaces con fines artísticos y musicales. El uso de nuevas tecnologías basadas en la evolución de la informática y la microelectrónica está dando un giro importante a las formas de interacción del individuo con las demás personas, los objetos y el entorno general. Es así como el computador y las nuevas interfaces se convierten en una herramienta muy útil para aumentar las posibilidades de las actividades humanas y la expresión artística.
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    Issues for designing a flexible expressive audiovisual system for real-time performance & composition
    (National University of Singapore, 2004-06-03) Franco, Enrique
    This paper begins by evaluating various systems in terms of factors for building interactive audiovisual environments. The main issues for flexibility and expressiveness in the generation of dynamic sounds and images are then isolated. The design and development of an audiovisual system prototype is described at the end.
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    Performance y Composición Audiovisual con Miró
    (2005-08-09) Franco, Enrique
    Miró es un prototipo para composición y performance audiovisual en tiempo real, el cuál ha sido realizado en los lenguajes de programación Pd (Pure Data) y GEM (Graphics Environment for Multimedia). En Miró los gestos del intérprete se capturan mediante una tarjeta gráfica Wacom o del ratón del computador, lo que permite pintar y/o dibujar sobre la ventana de gráficas y generar sonidos mediante algoritmos de síntesis simultáneamente. La representación continua de gestos es grabada y asignada a algunos aspectos de las marcas hechas por el intérprete tales como velocidad, presión.
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    New perspectives on design education in Latin America: A case study from Icesi
    (2010-09-02) Betancourt Velasco, Maria Clara
    This paper illustrates the current state of design in Latin America, considering the main actors of design: state, enterprises and universities/academia. For the writing of this document different surveys-made by public institutions and private universities-were analyzed, so as to better understand the context and therefore being able to evaluate and reformulate the plan of studies of industrial design at the Icesi University. This new approach responds to the concept of competency-based curricula. The results of this evaluation and the preliminary proposal enabled us to confirm some characteristics regarding the interdisciplinarity of the program, the focus on design management and also allowed us to reinforce aspects related to strategic design, design thinking and innovation. At the same time, new strategies are being developed based on the active participation of other entities within the education process.
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    Platoon-based cyclists cooperative system
    (IEEE, 2015-12-16) Yanez, Alexis
    Bicycle use has steadily risen its share of total urban traffic over the last decade. This has been the result of city governments promotion of alternative forms of transportation, in the search for finding strategies that help reduce traffic congestion. Although benefits of cycling in congestion and pollution are concrete, in several cities the increment of cyclists has gotten to the point to overflow the infrastructure, deriving in safety risks and gridlocks due to the lack of explicit coordination among cyclists. This paper presents the integration of two strategies that so far have been considered completely independent: cooperative driving and cycling. Our project addresses the coordination of collective behavior of platoons of cyclists that could pervade dedicated express roads such as the London's 18 mile East-West Cycle Superhighway. The proposed platoon-based cyclists cooperative system can be defined as a networked cyber-physical system with an additional challenge related to the human factor.
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    Objeto de diseño : apoyo a las personas con necesidades especiales causadas por discapacidad física de los miembros superiores
    (2004-01-01) James Albear, Doris Arnot
    El porcentaje de personas con discapacidad en Colombia es de 12% y en Cali es el 16.1% de su población total, siendo la más frecuente después de la visual, la que presenta trastornos funcionales crónicos y la discapacidad para moverse o agarrar. La discapacidad, que se asocia con condiciones de bienestar deficientes, como la pobreza, la marginación social, y el analfabetismo, entre otros, es reflexionada desde la perspectiva del Diseño Industrial y los Factores Humanos para generar propuestas utilitarias que aporten en la concepción y construcción de objetos estandarizados que suplirán las necesidades de usuarios con diversos tipos y niveles de deficiencia física.
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    Sistema pervasivo de computación urbana para entornos turísticos en el Zoológico de Cali
    (Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, 2010-11-04) Aguirre Ramos, Javier Adolfo
    Este artículo presenta el proceso de desarrollo de un sistema pervasivo de computación urbana para entornos turísticos, en el marco del proyecto “Sistema pervasivo de computación urbana (Urb@na) para entornos turísticos utilizando servicios basados en localización Wi-Fi y sensores urbanos” Repasa los estudios previos para el proyecto, los criterios de diseño y algunos aspectos técnicos de la propuesta. Palabras claves: Sensores urbanos, dispositivos móviles, RFID, computación ubicua, computación urbana
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    Sistema pervasivo de computación urbana a través de servicios basados en localización Wi-Fi en el Zoológico De Cali.
    (Acofi, 2009-09-16) Lora, Monica Alejandra
    Consiste en los resúmenes de las presentaciones realizadas en la ACOFI Reunión Nacional y Expoingeniería 2009 celebrada en Santa Marta, Colombia.
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    Usage of adaptive features in sound synthesis GUIs
    (IEEE, 2011-04-15) Gomez Marin, Daniel
    This paper describes the importance of the GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) to the control of digital sound synthesis. Is intended to highlight the cognitive problem present in synthesizers as a consequence of the usage of technical acoustical language on their interfaces. Psychoacoustic scientists have tried to overcome this cognitive gap developing a unified model of perception where a musician is able to interact with sound using a perceptual interface rather than a scientific one. As these efforts have not currently reached their goal, different approaches are addressed to design interfaces that adapt to the user, rather than the user adapting to them
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    Poster: Smart networked bicycles with platoon cooperation
    (IEEE, 2015-01-19) Vehicular Networking Conference, VNC
    Urban roads are venues of social interaction where many actors try to accomplish their transportation-related individual goals. It has been demonstrated that when individuals act with scarce contextual information they offer resistance to one another's programs of action hindering coordination. In this work we address the problem of smart networked bicycles assisting cyclist coordination. Coordination is based on vehicular communications together with a cooperative adaptive cruise control. We propose to combine effective dissemination mechanisms in mesh-networks, a platoon cooperation logic, and a novel cyclist-bicycle interface to adapt the behaviour of cyclists while driving. Initial simulations and experimental results demonstrate that our cooperation mechanism helps cyclists achieve individual and collective goals, such as moving fluidly at the best possible speed while maintaining a safe distance to other cyclists.
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    Design By Scenarios, Improving The Creative Thinking For Product Design
    (International Association of Societies of Design Research, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, 2005-11-01) Salamanca García, Juan Manuel
    The Design Department at Icesi University has made its own proposal for the use of forecasting scenarios in the design process and has been testing it for five years, developing design projects which subjects are closely related to the social circumstances of Colombia. During these years interesting pedagogic and design results have arisen. The method of design by scenarios is a creative vision tool that helps designers in the concept creation of future products. This tool moulds feasible future situations, using the analysis of the dynamics of the present time as a starting point. This tool has proved to be very useful in the reduction of uncertainty of decision making processes, that design directors must face when they must achieve design results for terms longer than ten years. Design by scenarios is an inductive method of group work, based on the consideration of several questions related to several issues it must meet, such as political, economical, social, technological, environmental and cultural. The analysis and debate of these questions results in the identification of a list of present time’s forces surely will influence this activity in the future. The interaction of these forces enables to construct several feasible scenarios that could take place in ten years time, to define different products and services. Our design departmen
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    Trazos: del boceto a la práctica
    (Universiad Icesi, 2010-01-01) Arango López, Hugo Darío
    El lenguaje de la forma, la técnica de la construcción de volúmenes en el espacio plano, la expresión de la acción en la imagen inanimada, son los asuntos que se exploran aquí; a partir de la experiencia de varios años de trabajo en la construcción dinámica de cursos de dibujo para diseñadores, que se basa no solamente en el desarrollo de las competencias de comunicación gráfica sino también en el principio de que el lenguaje habilita el razonamiento, en este caso, el lenguaje de la imagen construida usando solamente lápiz y papel. El tema vetusto de la representación, que hoy en día encuentra recursos como la fotografía digital, el modelado tridimensional en el computador, el video o la animación, hablando de medios gráficos, no olvida la habilidad en el trazo a mano alzada, ni la expresión de la intensidad del grafito, ni la riqueza de la textura del sustrato, no por romanticismo, sino porque en su esencia son gestos de la constante reflexión mental al momento de crear una imagen que cuenta algo. Sean conceptos, técnicas y ejemplos de este libro un compás para jóvenes diseñadores que se inician en su propia búsqueda del dibujo, bien sea con fines técnicos, comunicativos o artísticos. El tema vetusto de la representación, que hoy en día encuentra recursos como la fotografía digital, el modelado tridimensional en el computador, el video o la animación, hablando de medios gráficos, no olvida la habilidad en el trazo a mano alzada, ni la expresión de la intensidad del grafito, ni la riqueza de la textura del sustrato, no por romanticismo, sino porque en su esencia son gestos de la constante reflexión mental al momento de crear una imagen que cuenta algo. Sean conceptos, técnicas y ejemplos de este libro un compás para jóvenes diseñadores que se inician en su propia búsqueda del dibujo, bien sea con fines técnicos, comunicativos o artísticos. Sean conceptos, técnicas y ejemplos de este libro un compás para jóvenes diseñadores que se inician en su propia búsqueda del dibujo, bien sea con fines técnicos, comunicativos o artísticos.