Estudios gerenciales Vol. 29 No. 126
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Ítem Incidencia de la certificación ISO 9001 en los indicadores de productividad y utilidad financiera de empresas de la zona industrial de Mamonal en Cartagena(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Morelos Gómez, JoséThis research paper presents the evaluation results of productivity indicators of companies certified under ISO 9001 and its impact on the financial profits of companies located in the Mamonal Industrial Zone, Cartagena. In the methodology used, productivity and financial indicators belonging to 25 companies certified in quality were calculated. The next step was to apply a multivariate data analysis technique in order to explain the relevance and discrimination power of each productivity and financial indicators group, the resulting improvement in production efficiency of the added gross profit/value ratio and net profit ratio/working capital between 2006 and 2010, and thus the positive impact of these results on the financial benefits, gross margins and operating margins.Ítem ¿Es posible una gestión dinámica de la cooperación en dilemas sociales de gran escala? : el caso de la crisis de electriciad de Colombia de 1992(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Parra Valencia, Jorge AndrickThis paper describes how dynamic management of cooperation can confront the path dependence on the initial conditions that characterizes cooperation based on trust in social dilemmas. A dynamic management of cooperation can promote and sustain cooperation by which by large groups can overcome social dilemmas. The proposed management structure is explained and tested using a model developed using System Dynamics. The construct explains the dynamic management of cooperation applied during the 1992 Colombian Electricity Crisis. We conclude that dynamic cooperation management is possible in large scale social dilemmas to ensure effective cooperation.Ítem El discurso contemporáneo del management. El caso de coaching ontológico(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Gonnet, Juan PabloEn este artículo se aborda una de las tendencias actuales en el campo del management, el coaching ontológico. Lo novedoso de esta propuesta radica en que define un fundamento estrictamente filosófico para la administración y gestión de ámbitos organizacionales. A partir de un análisis del discurso de algunos textos de difusión de uno de sus fundadores, se pretende reconocer los sentidos y las condiciones sociales que orientan a esta nueva propuesta de gestión empresarial. Un resultado preliminar de este análisis muestra que la abstracción de los fundamentos administrativos es necesaria en tanto que permite reproducir las condiciones de posibilidad del control organizacional en un contexto de crisis de legitimidad de la técnica administrativa.Ítem Modelos de valoración de opciones sobre títulos de renta fija : aplicación al mercado colombiano(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Herrera Cardona, Luis GuillermoThis paper is to evaluate the applicability of the Vasicek (1977) model of interest rate for valuing call and put options on a fixed income Colombian security. For the development of this application are made, some econometric estimation with volatility and autoregressive processes, these are necessary to find the model input parameters. The progress of the model. Later on in the work finds that the model does not give satisfactory results for options on Colombian bonds due to the high value of premiums. However, by adjusting the model parameters based on empirical criteria consistent figures are obtained.Ítem Liderazgo, poder y movilización organizacional(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Contreras Torres, Francoise VeneziaThe objective of this study is to analyze the leadership and power processes as emerging phenomena that occur within organizations due to interactions between the people (agents) that belong to the organization. It is assumed that the organization is a dynamic system in continuous changing process that mobilizes the firm by virtue of its dynamic relationships between leaders and employees. As this is a theoretical study, the analysis is supported by a review of the literature. In conclusion it affirms that leadership and power can mobilize the organization and can lead to productive imbalances, which promote organizational development and sustainability.Ítem Diseño metodológico de la evaluación de proyectos energéticos bajo incertidumbre en precios : caso de cogeneración de energía en una empresa en Cali(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Buenaventura Vera, GuillermoEnergy resources in the industry have increased in importance and competitiveness, representing the second or third major item in the cost of manufacture. The fluctuating behavior of historical costs, as well as the uncertainty of their future trend, accentuated by the imminent removal of the tax contribution on electricity (20% of the tariff), has led to questioning whether energy co-generation projects will be viable in the near future. This paper shows, from the development of an innovative methodology to assess the feasibility of the implementation of projects of co-generation based on three simulations that used statistical information and mathematical projections, as well as a performing a sensitivity analysis of the expected behaviors of future prices of electrical energy and fuels.Ítem Caracterización del comprador sogamoseño en súper e hipermercados(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Sanabria Torres, EdgarThe objective of this study is to determine the profile of the supermarket and hypermarket shopper in the city of Sogamoso, based on the model of Blackwell, Miniard & Engel (2003), and supported by Aaker & Day (1989), in order to separate into four variables: favorite supermarket, physical environment, learning and attitudes, and finally the frequency of use. We used a type of quantitative research in a population referenced by households belonging to the city of Sogamoso, Colombia (DANE, 2005). We conclude that these variables significantly affect the decision to purchase by buyers and in determining which place better suits their lifestyle and needs.Ítem Valor en riesgo : evaluación del desempeño de diferentes metodologías para 5 países latinoamericanos(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Chaves, Juan ManuelThis paper evaluates the performance of 20 different methods (parametric, and semi-parametric, and nonparametric), as well as the historical simulation method, to estimate the next-trading-day value-at risk (VaR) of a representative portfolio for 5 different Latin American countries (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia and Peru). We found that the non-parametric (i.e. historic simulation), and the semi-parametric methods were the best way to estimate the risk among the twenty different methods evaluated for all the countries in the sample.Ítem Uma equação proposta para fomentar a inovação nas organizações(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Bressan, FlávioLas presiones de la globalización y de la disponibilidad tecnológica han generado debates en los Gobiernos, en las instituciones académicas y en los despachos de ejecutivos y directores generales, en busca de una mejor comprensión de los factores que intervienen en el proceso de innovación. Las acciones de la organización para fomentar la innovación no parecen conseguir las innovaciones deseadas. Este trabajo, a través de un estudio cualitativo, contempla los factores que intervienen en las experiencias de éxito, propone la existencia de los factores que componen la ecuación para el fomento de la innovación –el entorno empresarial, la organización, la gestión, los elementos complementarios y el innovador, y su modelo mental–, y concluye que, para innovar, la organización debe abordar estos factores principalmente con la identificación de los empleados con un modelo mental estratégico propicio para enfrentarse a los retos y riesgos de la innovación.Ítem Poor and distressed, but happy : situational and cultural moderators of the relationship between wealth and happiness(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Maya Márquez, Luis CarlosEvidence on the relationship between wealth and happiness is mixed, hinting that there are situational or individual factors that account for the variability in results. This paper contends that wealth is in fact related to happiness. More specifically, it is proposed that poverty –as well as other adverse situations– has an undermining effect on happiness, and that this effect is attenuated by a collectivist orientation. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) using data on happiness, wealth and culture from 197 countries, supplemented by a meta-analysis of empirical studies that explore the relationship between wealth and perceptions of happiness, support the hypothesized relationship between adversity and happiness, and the moderating effect that collectivism has on such relationship.Ítem Cooperación internacional para el desarrollo en el Valle del Cauca : un estudio de percepciones(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Rouvinski, VladimirThis paper describes the perceptions of people involved in the processes related to the international cooperation for development in the Department of Valle del Cauca. Following the analysis of interviews with various key players and of documents relevant to international cooperation in the region, the authors argue that perceptions of individual actors have a strong impact on the processes related to international cooperation, and emphasize a wide diversity of perceptions demonstrated by those players as regards the aspects of the actual processes themselves. This diversity may impede a better coordination of the flow of international cooperation in the region.Ítem Financiación de la innovación en las mipyme Iberoamericanas(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) García Pérez De Lema, DomingoInnovation enables companies to achieve a sustainable timely competitive advantage and is a key determinant of economic growth. Funding has often been mentioned as a major barrier to carry out innovation activities. This empirical paper analyzes the relationship between funding sources and innovative activity by IberoAmerican micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (Msmes) based on the results of a survey conducted on a sample of 1970 firms. The results indicate a significant positive relationship between the use of borrowed funds and innovative activity. This demonstrates the importance of mechanisms to facilitate Msmes access to external debt funding in order to achieve high levels of innovation.Ítem Caso de estudio. El problema de la consultoría está en la t(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Alonso Cifuentes, Julio CésarThis case of study aims to strengthen the ability of the reader to systematically solve issues that involve using econometric tools. We focus on the linear regression model. The problem is about the estimation of a demand curve, which leads to hypothesis testing for a linear regression model. The discussion deals with a problem that seems to be taken for granted, and it also mentions the importance of considering theoretical implications when using one- and two-tailed tests.Ítem Responsabilidad social y gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humano(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Saldarriaga Ríos, Juan GuillermoThis article approaches social responsibility and knowledge management as connected and inseparable strategies of human management in organizations. These strategies allow the Organization look inward and recognize the impact that these practices have on their members, not seeing them exclusively as activities that produce economic gains and visibility in the social scene, but as an integral part of their way of conceiving and managing its human talent. This article is a product of two investigations that seek to analyze the trends and strategies of human management used at both the national and international levels. A flexible methodological design was used in these investigation, in which the purpose of the study is approached from a quantitative, as well as from a qualitative perspective.Ítem Vol. 29 No. 126 - Enero/Marzo 2013 / ESTUDIOS GERENCIALES(Universidad Icesi, 2013-01-01) Universidad IcesiContiene: Presentación 1 Pág. --- Responsabilidad social y gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humano / Saldarriaga Ríos, Juan Guillermo // 110-117 Pág. --- El problema de la consultoría está en la t / Alonso Cifuentes, Julio César ; Gallo, Beatriz Eugenia, // 118-124 Pág. --- Financiación de la innovación en las mipyme Iberoamericanas / García Pérez De Lema, Domingo ; Barona Zuluaga, Bernardo ; Madrid-Guijarro, Antonia // 12-16 Pág. --- Cooperación internacional para el desarrollo en el Valle del Cauca : un estudio de percepciones / Rouvinski, Vladimir ; Otálora Sevilla, Lady Maritza // 17-25 Pág. --- Poor and distressed, but happy : situational and cultural moderators of the relationship between wealth and happiness / Borrero Caldas, Silvio ; Escobar, Ana Bolena ; Cortés Peña, Aura María ; Maya Márquez, Luis Carlos // 2-11 Pág. --- Uma equação proposta para fomentar a inovação nas organizações / Bressan, Flávio // 26-36 Pág. --- Valor en riesgo : evaluación del desempeño de diferentes metodologías para 5 países latinoamericanos / Alonso Cifuentes, Julio César ; Chaves, Juan Manuel // 37-48 Pág. --- Caracterización del comprador sogamoseño en súper e hipermercados / Sanabria Torres, Edgar ; Parra Penagos, Carlos Orlando // 49-57 Pág. --- Diseño metodológico de la evaluación de proyectos energéticos bajo incertidumbre en precios : caso de cogeneración de energía en una empresa en Cali / Nuñez Viveros, Carlos Andrés ; Gallego Hidalgo, Gabriel José ; Buenaventura Vera, Guillermo // 58-71 Pág. --- Liderazgo, poder y movilización organizacional / Contreras Torres, Francoise Venezia ; Castro Ríos, Guido Angello // 72-16 Pág. --- Modelos de valoración de opciones sobre títulos de renta fija : aplicación al mercado colombiano / Herrera Cardona, Luis Guillermo ; Cárdenas Giraldo, Darwin // 77-85 Pág. --- El discurso contemporáneo del management. El caso de coaching ontológico / Gonnet, Juan Pablo // 86-91 Pág. --- ¿Es posible una gestión dinámica de la cooperación en dilemas sociales de gran escala? : el caso de la crisis de electriciad de Colombia de 1992 / Parra Valencia, Jorge Andrick ; Dyner Rezonzew, Isaac // 92-98 Pág. --- Incidencia de la certificación ISO 9001 en los indicadores de productividad y utilidad financiera de empresas de la zona industrial de Mamonal en Cartagena / Morelos Gómez, José ; Fontalvo, Tomas José ; Vergara, Juan Carlos // 99-109 Pág.