Selected Abstracts: from The Latin American Research Consortium

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Universidad Icesi


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CONTENIDO: Welcoming remarks / John Trapani A. B. Freeman (Tulane University, New Orleans, LA) -- Note from the dean of the school of business and economic studies at Icesi University / Héctor Ochoa (Icesi, Colombia) -- Mensaje del decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas de la Universidad Icesi / Héctor Ochoa (Icesi, Colombia) -- Article. Deans Workshop: Leveraging technology for distance learning at ITESM / Antonio J. Dieck-Assad / ITESM, México) -- Selected abstracts. Educational innovation: The IESA San Bernardino Project / Henry Gómez (IESA, Venezuela) -- Business engineering at ITAM: A joint venture of the business school with the división of engineering / Carlos Alcérreca J. (ITAM, México) -- Team learning and regulation: evidence from an aviation disaster / Michael J. Burke & Wendy S. Becker (Tulane University, SUNY at Albany) -- Strong social ties, culture, and employment practices in México / Anabella Dávila & Jorge M. Rocha / ITESM, México) -- Cross-Border Shopping: Family narratives / Raquel Castaño, María Eugenia Pérez & Claudia Quintanilla (ITESM, México) -- Impact of country of origin effects on consumer purchase decisions / José Roberto Concha Velásquez, Esteban Gómez & Paola Valencia ( Icesi, Colombia) -- Mutual fund performance in México / Miguel Moreno Tripp ( ITESM, México) -- Impact of futures contracts on volatility of IPC stock index: the case of México / María Concepción del Alto Hernández (ITESM, México) -- The information content of earnings, cash-flow and earnings management: an empirical analysis for mexican companies / Luis H. Santacruz Medina (ITESM, México) -- Drawing a new geopolitical map for the world / Flory Anette Dieck-Assad (ITESM, México) -- Family ties, do they matter? Family ownership and firm performance in Perú / Samuel Mongrut (ITESM, México), Julián Benavides & Mónica González (Icesi, Colombia) -- Annexes. Program of the 8th Latin american Research Consortium (ITESM, Mexico).

