Evaluación de la diversidad de arañas como indicadoras de la efectividad de las estrategias de restauración implementadas en el corredor biologico Barbas - Bremen, Filandia (Quindío-Colombia)

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Spiders are a diverse and abundant group in all terrestrial ecosystems. Their communities are influenced by the type of habitat, land use, and plant architecture, so they are well accepted in ecological and environmental studies. They are generalist predators that have a major impact on the regulation of herbivore populations, also they are easy to collect and identify. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of restoration strategies implemented in biological corridors connecting the Barbas River Canyon and The Forest Preserve of Bremen (Filandia-Quindío), through the measure of the diversity of spiders. For this, samples were taken in three biological corridors “Los Monos”, “Las Pavas” and “Los Colibríes”, in two forest fragments, Barbas and Bremen and in a paddock near to the corridors. Sampling was conducted during day sessions, and during dry and rainy seasons over one year period, using three methods: hand collecting (Looking up and looking down), sweeping with entomological net and using a beating trap. After 96 sampling unites, 736 individual were identified grouped into 18 families and 126 morphospecies.