Apropiación social del conocimiento - i2T

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/10906/78228


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    A framework for ubiquitous IP communications in vehicle to grid networks
    (IEEE, 2011-12-05) Cespedes, Sandra;
    The electrical grid is a critical infrastructure that is slowly moving towards a more reliable and efficient supply system: the Smart Grid. As part of this migration process, a new group of energy-aware and emission-free technologies are being developed. Electric vehicles are a promising technology that belongs to that group. By connecting the electric vehicles to the grid, an energy-efficient cycle is created, in which the vehicles not only draw power from the grid, but they also send electricity back into it. For a successful vehicle to grid (V2G) interaction, a reliable and ubiquitous V2G communications network should be deployed. While previous research has focused on V2G data transmission when the vehicle is connected to the grid, we focus on the advantages of enabling the exchange of data while on-the-go by means of a wirelessly connected smart metering infrastructure network. Furthermore, this paper proposes a complete framework for the support of IP communications in mobile V2G environments.
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    A dynamic context management infrastructure for supporting user-driven web integration in the personal web
    (IBM Corp., 2011-11-07) Muñoz, Juan C.
    Most web applications deliver personalized features by making decisions on behalf of the user. Thus, the user's web experience is still a fractionated process due to a lack of user-centric web integration. In contrast, smarter web applications will empower the user to control the integration of web resources according to personal concerns. Moreover, as the user's situation and web resources continuously evolve, web infrastructures supporting smarter applications require dynamic and efficient mechanisms to represent, gather, provide, and reason about context information. Aiming at optimizing the user's web experience, this paper proposes a self-adaptive context management infrastructure, and an extensible context taxonomy based on the resource description framework (RDF). Our context manager is able to deploy new context management components to keep track of changes in the user's situation at run-time. Our taxonomy includes a set of inference rules for supporting dynamic context representation and reasoning. Using a smarter commerce case study, we illustrate the application of feedback loops and semantic web, to the realization of dynamic context management in the personal web.
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    A Framework for Automated and Composable Testing of Component-Based Services
    (IEEE, 2014-09-29) Villegas Machado, Norha Milena
    The vision of service-oriented computing has been largely developed on the fundamental principle of building systems by composing and orchestrating services in their control flow. Nowadays, software development is notably influenced by service-oriented architectures (SOAs), in which the quality of software systems is determined by the quality of the involved services and their actual composition. Despite the efforts on improving their individual quality, adding or replacing services in an evolving system can introduce failures, thus compromising the satisfaction of the system's functional and extra-functional requirements. These failures erode the trust in the SOA vision. Thus, a key issue for the industrial adoption of SOA is providing service providers, integrators, and consumers the means to build confidence that services behave according to the contracted quality conditions. In this paper we present a first version of PA SCA NI, a framework for specifying and executing test specifications for service-oriented systems.
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    A framework for evaluating quality-driven self-adaptive software systems
    (ACM Press, 2011-05-23) Villegas Machado, Norha Milena
    Over the past decade the dynamic capabilities of self-adaptive software-intensive systems have proliferated and improved significantly. To advance the field of self-adaptive and self-managing systems further and to leverage the benefits of self-adaptation, we need to develop methods and tools to assess and possibly certify adaptation properties of self-adaptive systems, not only at design time but also, and especially, at run-time. In this paper we propose a framework for evaluating quality-driven self-adaptive software systems. Our framework is based on a survey of self-adaptive system papers and a set of adaptation properties derived from control theory properties. We also establish a mapping between these properties and software quality attributes. Thus, corresponding software quality metrics can then be used to assess adaptation properties. © 2011 ACM.
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    A framework for the generation and management of self-adaptive enterprise applications
    (IEEE, 2015-09-21) Paz, Andrés
    Demand for self-adaptive enterprise applications has been on the rise over the last years. Such applications are expected to satisfy context-dependent quality requirements in varying execution conditions. Their dynamic nature constitutes challenges with respect to their architectural design and development, and the guarantee of the agreed quality scenarios at runtime. In this paper we present the constituting elements of Shift, a framework that integrates (i) facilities and mechanisms for managing self-adaptive enterprise applications, (ii) automated derivation of self-adaptive enterprise applications and their respective monitoring infrastructure, and (iii) decision support for the assisted recomposition of self-adaptive applications.
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    A virtual surgical telesimulation in micrographic dermatologic surgery (MOHS)
    (Elsevier, 2003-06-01) Vélez, J.A
    The development and propagation of surgical procedures in dermatology establish a need for an approach to a new way of teaching and supporting techniques which use emergent technologies. Our work is based upon a generic concept of software architecture for telemedicine applications, which could provide educational telesimulation in the dermatologic surgery technique known as Mohs micrographic surgery. This technique is used in the neoplasia resection treatment. Actually, the modules proposed are evolving in the Internet platform and are planned to interact in a cyclic manner from a diagnostic precision aid, through a planning surgical tool, to a simulator facility.
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    Active Learning and CDIO Implementation in Colombia
    (Conceive Design Implement operate - CDIO, 2013-06-09) Ulloa Villegas, Gonzalo Vicente
    In this paper we discuss common problems in Colombian universities in regard to engineering professional programs. We also discuss the reasons to implement a curriculum reform following the CDIO model at Icesi University, and present some preliminary results of implementing this reform, mainly concerning student motivation and attrition reduction The adoption of CDIO model is aimed not only to offer a integral engineering education, increase the quality of our programs, establishing a cycle of continuous improvement and also to encourage students by offering a challenging curriculum that focuse s its professional component on solving engineering problems.
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    Adaptación Automática de Software (in Spanish)
    (2011-03-31) Villegas Machado, Norha Milena
    The ability of organizations and their products, systems, and services to compete, adapt, and survive will depend increasingly on software and on the ability to integrate related software-intensive systems into systems of systems.Boehm (ICSE 2006)
  • Ítem
    An Approach to the Implementation Process of CDIO
    (ResearchGate, 2014-06-01) Ulloa Villegas, Gonzalo Vicente
    The implementation of integrated curricula following the CDIO recommendations may result in natural and straightforward processes for mature universities. Nevertheless, a CDIO-based curricular reform can result in an overwhelming and error-prone process when universities lack experience in the consolidation of curricula that naturally integrate disciplinary learning outcomes with engineering skills. In this paper we propose a general and replicable approach to the implementation and continual improvement of integrated curricula based on CDIO; and report on our experience and lessons learned during the redefinition of the curricula of the Telematics Engineering and Computing Systems Engineering programs at Universidad Icesi, in Colombia.
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    Análisis de Desempeño de Mecanismo de QoS en Redes Convergentes
    (ResearchGate, 2010-08-01) Cuellar Quiñones, Juan Carlos
    En este trabajo se presenta el análisis de de resultados de una serie de simulaciones donde se analiza que mecanismo de QoS logra mantener dentro de valores admisibles los parámetros de calidad de servicio que presentan las recomendaciones Y.1540 y Y.1541 para la aplicación de voz, apoyados en un grupo de configuraciones realizadas en el núcleo de una red convergente con infraestructura MPLS.
  • Ítem
    Análisis y caracterización de frameworks para detección de aplicaciones maliciosas en android
    (ResearchGate, 2014-06-01) Londoño, Sebastian
    y caracterización de frameworks para detección de aplicaciones maliciosas en Android. XIV Jornada Internacional de Seguridad Informática ACIS 2014 1  Resumen—Android incorpora distintos sistemas de seguridad para solucionar los problemas generados por aplicaciones malware como el modelo de permisos para cada aplicación, su propia plataforma de distribución de aplicaciones móviles "Google Play", entre otras. Pero existen otras alternativas que tienen como función mejorar la protección contra el software malicioso. En este artículo se presenta la información más reciente sobre metodologías, frameworks y sistemas que permiten resolver algunos de los problemas generados por aplicaciones maliciosas (Malware) para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android.
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    Analytical Approach to Model the Fade Depth and the Fade Margin in UWB Channels
    (2010-11-01) Rubio, Lorenzo
    In this paper, the variations of the ultrawideband (UWB) channel power as a function of the channel bandwidth are investigated. An analytical approach to characterize the fade depth and the fade margin due to small-scale fading in indoor environments is proposed. The approach is based on the IEEE 802.15.4a ultrawideband channel model and the assumption that the channel power can be modeled by a Gamma distribution. This analytical approach is checked by comparison with results derived through Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that the fade depth and the fade margin are closely related to the channel bandwidth. This analytical approach can be used to design and implement UWB communications systems. © 2006 IEEE.
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    Application of an ant colony metaphor for network address management in MANETs
    (IEEE, 2009-09-10) Madrid Molina, Juan Manuel
    Address management is a critical process in a computer network. The ownership of a network address is a requisite for every node willing to make part of a network. In adhoc networks, address management is a particularly tough challenge, because of their dynamically changing topology, and the sort of events that occur in their environment. This article proposes a solution to the aforementioned problem, involving the self-organization and emergency principles governing the behavior of social insect colonies. In particular, the solution uses the organization and behavior principles present in ant colonies. © 2009 IEEE.
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    Automated reasoning for derivation of products in MD-SPLE
    (IEEE, 2011-05-04) Arboleda Jimenez, Hugo Fernando
    This article presents a strategy that aims to support model-oriented software product line architects on making the decisions required to derive products. Together with the strategy, we present a tool that uses the power of constraint programming to create and use decision models. The models make it possible to relate model transformation rules and product line variants (alternatives) in order to enable the selection of the necessary rules according to the variants selected by a product designer. The greatest innovation of our contribution is that we provide architects with a tool that takes into account the possible interactions between variants of a product line and makes it possible to model the decisions required to derive products reusing existing model transformation rules as much as possible. © 2011 IEEE.
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    Caracterización de mecanismos de QoS utilizados en redes NGN. Simulación e implementación
    (Editorial Académica Española, 2011-07-20) Cuellar Quiñonez, Juan Carlos
    La calidad de servicio es un tema que ampliamente se ha estudiado en las redes de datos convencionales, pero que con la evolución de ´estas redes a redes convergentes o redes de próxima generación, ha llevado que esta situación cambie drásticamente, debido a que en las redes convergentes se debe seguir garantizando calidad de servicio a las aplicaciones y servicios así estos ahora utilicen un ambiente heterogéneo. Para analizar este tema en redes convergentes se presentan análisis de resultados de una serie de simulaciones donde se analiza que mecanismo de QoS logra mantener dentro de valores admisibles los parámetros de calidad de servicio que presentan las recomendaciones Y.1540 y Y.1541 para la aplicación de voz, utilizando una red de núcleo con tecnología MPLS y una red de acceso xDSL con diferentes anchos de banda.
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    Comparison of data forwarding mechanisms for AMI networks
    (IEEE, 2012-01-16) Iwao, T.
    Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) networks are often deployed under challenging and unreliable conditions. One of the issues for the transmission of data packet in these unreliable networks is the routing of packets, because routing paths may behave differently from the time when the route is discovered to the time when a data packet is forwarded. In addition, control packets may get lost and give routers an inconsistent view of the network. © 2012 IEEE.
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    Automated reasoning for derivation of model-driven SPLs
    (Lancaster University, 2010-09-01) Vargas, Víctor;
    Model-Driven SPL approaches use metamodels and transformation rules to obtain concrete software artifacts departing from models. Most of such approaches use also feature models to express variability. Because of the variability, to derive products, they have to adapt the transformation rules according to user choices captured in feature configurations. In this paper we propose an approach based on Constraint Programming to derive Model-Driven SPLs. Our contribution is twofold. First, we assist product line architects when relating transformation rules and features in order to derive prod- ucts based on feature configurations; the novelty is that we facilitate the management of feature interactions to architects. Second, current approaches to reason on feature models in SPL Engineering only deal with problems related to product configuration. We improve such approaches adding facilities for product derivation.
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    Delay spread control hiding first hit objects
    (2013-01-01) Navarro Cadavid, Andres
    This paper proposes a methodology for the prediction and eventual cancellation of the main scatterer effects on broadcast radio channels. We assume the possibility of using absorbing material or paint to reduce the reflectivity of some surfaces and virtually 'hide' the scatterer, so as to control the maximum Delay Spread in terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting systems. A desirable condition for the DVB-T2 operators is to limit the Delay Spread of radio channel in conditions where it is not possible to change the location or the orientation of the transmitting antenna; moreover, this can be useful to limit the Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) and to improve the balance between the interleaving time and the channel capacity. In order to prove the applicability of object hiding, we used ray-tracing 3D techniques to identify the objects that can be hidden or camouflaged, and calculating the effect of objects on parameters of the DVB channel, in this case the delay spread. The results of the simulation applying physical hiding of object shown a expected reduction of Delay Spread. © 2013 EurAAP.
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    Depuración y Evolución de Aplicaciones Distribuidas y Concurrentes
    (Universidad Icesi, 2012-08-29) Durán, David
    Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de un lenguaje que será la base para un framework de eventos que soporta la detección de patrones complejos en sistemas distribuidos, utilizando autómatas para modelar los patrones complejos de interacción entre los nodos que participan en el sistema distribuido. Por medio de la presentación de diferentes errores concurrentes comunes que ocurren o han ocurrido en aplicaciones industriales de esta índole, como el deadlock o los dataraces, se proponen soluciones a este tipo de inconvenientes utilizando el lenguaje propuesto, demostrando su utilidad y aplicabilidad.
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    Dynamic planning of 3G/4G systems using Q-analysis
    (2004-05-25) Navarro Cadavid, Andres
    In this paper we present a method for use Q-analysis in the initial planning process and later dynamic adaptation for 3G/4G cellular systems that intends to balance load in order to maximize capacity and reduce lost and dropped calls independently of the type of service. We support our proposal on dynamic simulations made with an own developed tool for dynamic simulations of CDMA systems, and show initial results that partially probe our proposed method.