Sistema para la elaboración de huertas urbanas como autoabastecimiento alimenticio en los hogares vulnerables

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The industrial design research project set out in this document, emerges from the analysis of a program and initiative, which took place in Valle del Cauca, as part of a national strategy to help reduce the rates food Insecurity, starting with the identification of a specific problem, and analyzing the current situation, lead to the construction of the design hypothesis where, through direct experience of current conditions, similar situation assessment and analysis of the results, a comprehensive design proposal is developed that covers production and market analysis, testing all these aspect in the real environment of the problem and validating this initial hypothesis. In the analysis of these initiatives to revitalize nutritional aspects of health in the population, given by the National Government through their Secretaries of Government, urban gardens program called "Urban Food Security for Vulnerable Population (Seguridad Alimentaria Urbana para la Población Vulnerable) " started in the Valle del Cauca, two phases directly related could be identified, with great potential for improvement. On one side is the Continuous Education as a method of learning about the technical requirements of urban agriculture and the second, comprising applying the knowledge learned on the construction and maintenance of home gardens. Finally, a design strategy is defined to articulate its success from the aspects of teaching and learning, not intended as a direct result to generate new ways of addressing food insecurity, however, it will improve the teaching techniques of preparing orchards to positively stimulate the construction and maintenance of these at home, making the food self-sufficiency as the horizon of the project