Sistemas y Telemática Vol. 8 No. 15
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Ítem Vol. 8 No. 15, Enero/Junio 2010 / SISTEMAS & TELEMATICA(Universidad Icesi, 2010-11-25T22:30:17Z) Universidad IcesiEsta edición incluye: Modelos de comportamiento de las redes vehiculares en sus escenarios más representativos, utilizando simulación en la herramienta NCTUns; Estudio e implementación de drivers para WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) móvil en acompañantes móviles digitales; Análisis de configuraciones en el núcleo de una red NGN para garantizar QoS; BotBlog: una propuesta de integración de bitácoras y agentes; Agrupamiento mediante Q-análisis; y Evaluación de una solución de renderizado distribuido en las salas de cómputo de la Universidad Icesi para los estudiantes de Diseño Industrial y de Medios Interactivos.Ítem Evaluación de una solución de renderizado distribuido en las salas de cómputo de la Universidad Icesi para los estudiantes de Diseño Industrial y de Medios Interactivos(Universidad Icesi, 2010-11-25T22:26:12Z) Osorio Betancur, Juan DavidThis article presents the results of an evaluation made in the Universidad Icesi to find solutions to the bottlenecks and long rendering times affecting the Design students while working with commercial design packages during their courses. In particular, commercial render farm managers are evaluated, and a proof-of-concept render farm manager based in open source opportunistic computation software is developed.Ítem Agrupamiento mediante Q-análisis(Universidad Icesi, 2010-11-25T22:17:31Z) Múnera Salazar, Luis EduardoThis article presents a novel clustering algorithm, based upon topology concepts and Q-analysis. The algorithm allows to create a structural clustering, which does not depend on the knowledge of similarity measures, distances, etc. The clustering is directed in a natural fashion by the internal topology of the network/ graph. Such topology becomes evident by applying Q-analysis, by means of the structure vector, which shows the network’s internal Q-connectivity.Ítem BotBlog: una propuesta de integración de bitácoras y agentes(Universidad Icesi, 2010-11-25T22:11:25Z) Fajardo Toro, Carlos HernánThe adaptation to european space for higher education is a fact that should be assumed by everybody and whose process is being carried out. To proceed in this adaptation will be mandatory the implementation of on new informatics tools. This paper proposes the dynamic development of a thematic portal through chatterbots with blogs. The portal is built and evolves on the client browser window based on the questions asked, the pre-established answers, the contents provided by internet search and by the linked blogs.Ítem Análisis de configuraciones en el núcleo de una red NGN para garantizar QoS(Universidad Icesi, 2010-11-25T22:04:37Z) Cuéllar Quiñonez, Juan CarlosThe quality of service has become a vital issue for service providers, but their analysis has been oriented to the configuration in the interconnectivity devices mainly. The article presents the data analysis from a series of simulations for a NGN with MPLS cores, which together are configured QoS mechanisms with specific configurations within the core network. Additionally we present the data analysis from experimental setup laboratory similar characteristics to the simulated pattern.Ítem Estudio e implementación de drivers para WIMAX (Worldwide Interoperability Microwave Access) móvil en acompañantes móviles digitales(Universidad Icesi, 2010-11-25T21:59:44Z) Arcila Ramírez, Henry AlbertoThe accelerated progress in the mobile industry market has attracted a growing interest in research in the field of wireless communications technologies. Today, the applications and services demand highest connection data transmission rates. The 3G and WiMAX mobile technologies have been proposed to successfully achieve the speed + mobility tradeoff. As Mobile systems are constrained in processing resources, information storage and energy consumption, designers have to take all these characteristics into account when design a system of this type. The present paper is focused on the implementation of mobile systems using WiMAX technology. We study the standard and the required HW/SW resources for the implementation of a specific WiMAX device with the two embedded development systems based on iMXL and PXA-270 available processors. In this study we evaluated the complexity of the implementation of WiMAX connectivity for mobile devices in our local environment, taking into account the Hardware, Software and infrastructure limitations.Ítem Modelos de comportamiento de las redes vehiculares en sus escenarios más representativos, utilizando simulación en la herramienta NCTUns(Universidad Icesi, 2010-11-25T21:51:49Z) Nieto, Carlos FelipeVehicular networks allow drivers and passengers in moving vehicles to communicate from vehicle to vehicle, or from vehicle to a existing infrastructure, without the need for additional hardware. The main goals for these networks are to improve road safety and transportation efficiency. This article briefly describes the state-of-the-art and new achievements in the vehicular network field, and shows the analysis of the behavior of such networks through the use of simulation models deployed in the NCTUns simulation tool, considering the layout of typical cities in Colombia.